放射線治療を英会話で進めてみよう ≪治療計画CT 編≫
場面① 自己紹介と患者確認
My name is Taro, a radiology technician. 私は診療放射線技師の太郎と申します。
May I ask your name? お名前を伺います。
Please tell us your name again. もう一度お名前を伺います。
場面② 治療計画CT室にて
The CT scan that is about to be performed is for radiotherapy. これから行うCT撮影は放射線治療のために行います
Take off heavy jackets and clothing. 厚手の上着や洋服は脱いでください
Please remove all upper body clothing and put on this inspection gown. 上半身の衣服をすべて脱いで、この検査着を着てください。
First, please sit down here. ここに腰かけてください
Remove your shoes and place both feet on the bunk and sit up firmly. 靴を脱ぎ両足を寝台にのせ、しっかりと座った状態になりましょう
Fall backwards, being careful not to twist. 体をひねらないように気を付けながらそのまま後ろへ倒れます
Raise both hands and fit your arms in the groove. And tell me if that position is painful.
Do you have any aches or pains, and can you stay in this position for 20 minutes without moving?
We will move you around so that your body is upright. Please stay as relaxed as possible. Let me know if you feel any pain at that time.
We will now draw landmarks on the surface of your body. This may tickle a little, but please continue to relax without moving.
Then, CT scans will be taken. Please remain still and do not moving. それではCT撮影を行います。そのまま動かずにじっとしていてください
Now finish the CT scan. Please remain still the bed is lowered. それではCT撮影を終わります。寝台が下がるまでまだそのまま動かないでいてください
The markings on your body will be used on the first day of radiotherapy, so take care not to wash them off. If it fades again, it’s okay as long as the mark is still visible.
You can raise your body. 体を起こして良いですよ
Then please wait in the waiting room after you have dressed yourself. 身支度を整えたら、待合室でお待ちください
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